Monday, February 1, 2010

D DAy is Coming..

As the day approaches I wonder, God, are you really gonna allow this to happen. Way back when, you told me Lord, that you told Abraham to lay Isaac on the alter... The end of that story is that you let Isaac not be sacrificed by his obedient father. I know miracles happen, but it would take a super duper one to end this divorce event now. The date is set for February 12th... 2 days before our 17th Anniversary. I can't believe I was lost in the marriage for 17 years. Not that all of it was bad, but for some reason, at this point, it's easier to remember the bad. Thankfully, I don't remember all of it. My long term memory has been erased where Ron wronged me over the years. I don't think I would have survived if it had not been. His presence, to this day wreaks of anger. I know this is a "presence" that abides with him, but it is so evident to everyone but him.
Jesse asked me if he could invite his dad over on Sunday to help him build a club house. Actually to revamp the clubhouse we already have. I said okay. I was reluctant, for obvious reasons, but agreed for obvious reasons... As soon as Ron arrived on my place, I could feel the "presence". I know that is the reason the Lord allowed me to leave and that only God can take that from him. Lord, help us all.

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